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Website Security

Making This Site Safer for You: No company can guarantee the safety of your information. The best approach is to only collect information when you can keep it reasonable safe. For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy

  • A.I. Technology UsedChatGPT v4, MidJourney v6
  • Initial Publish Date5/15/24

Charades.net employs a variety of security technologies and procedures designed to help prevent unauthorized disclosure of, access to and use of Information that Charades.net collects or receives. However, Charades.net cannot guarantee the security of your information.

To be honest, no company can guarantee the safety of your information. The best approach is to only collect information when you can keep it reasonable safe. Doing this without spending a lot of money is incredibly difficult. It is an artform that very few people have mastered. I have not mastered this art and I will not collect your data unless it is needed to make a functioning website. For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy

I am a Cybersecurity Professional. I work with some very smart and knowledgeable people who are experts in Cybersecurity. They can reduce risk but they cannot guarantee safety. While building this website I made a hundred small informed decisions that make this website safer. We will explore more of these small decisions in future content.